
Monday, December 16, 2019

Activity 3: Scaling New Heights

This week is the first week of Summer Learning Journey. For this activity, so I made a DLO for a charity, I chose the SPCA and explain what the SPCA does. 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Activity 2: Discovering Aotearoa

My name is Angelene, My mom's name is Cindy Angelene, My dad's name is Hendrik Kristoffle Christo and my brother's name is AJ Joanes Antoony. Me and my family is from South Africa, And we speak African. We always celebrate Christmas and Jesus birth. My great grandpa lived in world war 1 and 2 but he past away 14 years ago. We moved to New Zealand 1 year and a half ago due to our country being To dangerous.

Day 1: Exploring the World.

Today me and my partner Kourabeau made a slide to show what food sources is the best to take on a Voyage. We added images and why they are the best food sources and what is healthy about them.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Activity 2: Impossible Burgers

This week is the SLJ Teeser week. For this activity me and Eyaka were working together. We were finding the devrents between the Meat lover burger and the Vegetarian.
The difference between Vegetarian and the Meat- loving people that the vegetarian burger is more healthier than the normal burger and the vegetarian burger has less calories than the normal burger.

Activity 1: The Social Network

This is week is Summer Learning Journey Teaser Week. Me and Eyaka were working together for this activity. We were learning about Sheryl Sandberg, she is a business woman from the USA, she is famous for working as the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook. For this activity was to provide 5 rules that people should follow when sharing pictures and/or streaming videos online. As their more younger kids that us social media they can upload things they don't have promotion to.